Sapphire braces: what they are, what the cost, and how they work
Nowadays, the use of orthodontics is becoming increasingly common and can be seen in children, teens and adults. Just as there are more people interested in improving their oral health, there are also more orthodontic options that offer aesthetic advantages over metal braces. Sapphire braces are a great example.
What are sapphire braces?
One of the most ingenious innovations in the world of dentistry and orthodontic treatments are sapphire braces. Sapphire brackets are made out of a synthetic sapphire that has the same chemical structure and natural composition as natural sapphire. That’s why they’re so resistant, almost as resistant as diamonds!
Sapphire teeth braces offer the patient comfort in their daily use, mostly because they are more aesthetically pleasing than traditional ones. These braces are clear, so they go much more unnoticed by the outside world than the traditional metallic ones.

How do sapphire braces work?
Just like with traditional braces, the function of crystal sapphire braces is to straighten the teeth by exerting a slight controlled force on each of the patient's teeth.
Orthodontists perform all the necessary tests and then create a completely personalised treatment plan so that the device will fit perfectly on each of the patient’s dental arches. Sapphire braces can solve many oral problems like malocclusion, crooked teeth, gaps, open bite, crossbite, among others.
Orthodontic sapphire brackets are small pieces that are attached to each tooth with dental glue, they are held in place by a metal arch which is secured with an elastic band on each bracket.
Treatment duration
The duration of orthodontic treatment with sapphire teeth braces depends on various factors, like the quality of the material used by the specialist, the patient's involvement in the treatment, the complexity of the case, the dentist's experience and the evolution of the treatment itself.
However, in general terms, orthodontic treatment for an average dental problem lasts 18 months. In more complex cases the duration of treatment ranges between 24 and 30 months, although some treatments last up to 36 months.

Sapphire braces pros and cons
Like any other orthodontics treatment, sapphire braces have a few pros and cons that you should keep in mind before starting treatment.
Sapphire braces are completely clear, they are made of a chemical material with the same properties as natural sapphire, giving them a transparent colour. In addition, the synthetic material they’re made of has a completely smooth surface that prevents chafing during the treatment, avoiding discomfort and going unnoticed by others.
This type of treatment can correct nearly all dental issues. So orthodontics with sapphire braces can be used by children, teens and adults, although adults are the ones who mostly use this option.
Sapphire is also any extremely hard and resistant material, which is a benefit because it means your brackets won’t break.
Finally, the material used does not lose its colour over time or turn yellow, so they are a good option for complex treatments that require long duration of orthodontic treatment.
The main disadvantage of orthodontic treatment with crystal sapphire braces is the price. Due to the quality of the material used, the price is higher than other clear orthodontic treatments.
In terms of duration, in some cases orthodontic treatment with sapphire brackets suggests a slightly longer period, as the wire that is positioned in the arches makes greater friction between the teeth potentially creating slower movements than other treatments with braces.
In terms of daily use, it’s not recommended for people who regularly engage in sporting activities because it can cause a lot of damage or break the brackets with frequent impacts with sports equipment such as balls, rackets or bats.

Price of sapphire braces
There are several factors that can influence the price of sapphire orthodontic brackets, such as the duration of treatment, the complexity of the case or the price stipulated by the orthodontist.
After the orthodontist evaluates the details of each patient's case, the price can be estimated approximately. Sapphire braces usually cost around £3.000 for simple cases and up to £4.500 for more complex cases.
Difference between sapphire braces and other types of braces
In addition to resolving dental problems and correcting teeth alignment, most people search for an orthodontic treatment that doesn’t affect their physical appearance. That’s why they want totally aesthetically pleasing options that can adapt to their needs. Sapphire braces and other aesthetic braces offer this advantage.
Sapphire vs ceramic braces
When discussing sapphire braces vs ceramic braces, the main difference is that the sapphire brackets are more transparent than ceramic braces due to the material they are made from. However, it’s worth remembering that sapphire braces are also considered aesthetically pleasing, so they fall into this same category.
Sapphire vs metal braces
The main difference when we compare metal vs sapphire braces is that the former are, of course, made of metal, so they are less resistant to impact and less visually discreet.
Sapphire vs zirconia braces
If you are choosing between zirconia and sapphire braces, you should know that the former is aesthetically pleasing, just like the sapphire kind. As with ceramic, zirconia braces are less transparent than sapphire, but they blend in well with the teeth because their colour is similar to tooth’s

Impress clear orthodontics: the alternative to braces
Clear aligners are the latest technology in invisible orthodontics and they offer patients a whole list of advantages to straighten their smile. Impress clear aligners offer patients the comfort needed to improve the appearance of their smile without their orthodontic treatment being noticed by the others.
Clear aligners are essentially just dental splints designed with a very advanced 3D technology and made of a special plastic. These splints are completely customised, so they offer the patient all the comfort they need without rough parts that can cause injuries such as sores or chafing, because they fit perfectly.
If you want to know more about our treatment plans for adults or adolescents, call us or write to us by phone or WhatsApp at +44 20 3808 1072. If you prefer, you can also make an appointment from our website or at your nearest Impress clinic.
Contact us, with no obligation, to evaluate your case and find out which treatment plan suits your needs. Come visit us and we will tell you about our prices!
Frequently asked questions about sapphire braces
Do sapphire braces get stains?
Sapphire braces are made of a high quality material, so they don’t tend to stain over time. However, the bracket goes over the teeth, so good oral hygiene is necessary to maintain the appearance of sapphire braces.
What can I eat with sapphire braces?
During treatment with any type of braces, it is advisable to avoid foods that are difficult to chew or very sugary, such as sticky foods, chewing gum, very hard foods such as nougat, very hard fruits such as coconut, etc.
What are sapphire braces made of?
Sapphire brackets are made from sapphire crystal, a material almost as hard as diamond. That is why they are recommended for fixed aesthetic orthodontic treatments.