Before and after orthodontics: teeth with braces and aligners.
There’s no doubt that orthodontic treatments like braces or aligners can transform the functionality and appearance of the teeth, thus giving patients the confidence they need to show off their teeth with pride.
In this article, we’ll delve into how different dental malpositions and malocclusions (such as gaps in the teeth, overbites, underbites and overjet) can undergo a transformation before and after orthodontic treatment with braces or aligners.
Diastemas: How gaps in teeth look before and after having braces or aligners
Here we’ll outline the impact of braces or aligners on diastemas (gaps in the teeth) and how the functionality and appearance of the teeth can change before and after treatment.
Diastemas refer to spaces between the teeth or when the teeth have no contact between them. They can be caused by genetic factors or through acquired habits. If diastemas are left untreated, they could lead to additional dental health issues such as an imbalance in the jaw and force exerted on the teeth, resulting in the enamel wearing down, gum problems or other malocclusion problems.
When correcting a diastema, considering some teeth are not in contact with each other, the treatment involves applying light force to the teeth so that they gradually come into contact with each other until they are aligned side by side. In the following image, we can see a case of a gap in the teeth before and after orthodontic treatment with clear aligners.

Crowded teeth before and after braces and aligners
Next, we’ll discover the transformation of crowded teeth before and after having braces or clear aligners.
Dental crowding is a type of dental malposition that refers to when the teeth overlap each other due to lack of space in the mouth, and the degree of crowding can range from mild to severe. This can happen due to several reasons, such as the jaw being too small, the teeth being larger than the jaw, or having missing teeth that cause the remaining teeth to shift in position.
Overcrowding is not only an aesthetic issue but also a health issue. If dental crowding is not corrected, it can lead to several issues including tooth decay and gum disease, difficulty cleaning, plaque and tartar accumulation, gingivitis, periodontitis, bone and tooth loss, and speech difficulties.
Therefore, orthodontic treatment is recommended in order to correctly align teeth. Braces or aligners use light pressure to move your teeth into the correct position.
Crowded teeth before and after braces or invisible aligners can look dramatically different and the orthodontic treatment can bring about significant improvements to the patient’s oral health. In the image below, we can see a case of crowded teeth before and after orthodontic treatment.

Open bite before and after teeth alignment with braces or invisible aligners
An open bite is a type of malocclusion, or misalignment of teeth, where the upper and lower teeth do not make contact with each other when the mouth is closed, resulting in a visible gap in the teeth. Open bites can occur in the front of the mouth (anterior open bite) or back of the mouth (posterior open bite). It can cause issues with chewing, speaking and breathing, as well as pain in the jaw area. Additionally, some people may feel insecure about their appearance if they have an open bite.
Open bites can be caused by genetics or developmental problems, or by acquired habits such as tongue thrusting, mouth breathing or sucking on a dummy or thumb for an extended period.
In cases of a severe open bite, surgery may be recommended, but in most cases, orthodontic treatment can fix an open bite by exerting pressure to move the teeth into the correct position to fix the bite. Treatments like braces and aligners can lead to a transformation in the appearance and oral health of patients with an open bite before and after treatment, as we can see in the image below.

Overbites before and after braces and aligners
An overbite, known also as a deep bite or vertical overbite, is when the upper teeth cover the lower teeth completely or more than normal. In a normal bite, the upper teeth should only cover about a third of the lower teeth.
An overbite could be due to the positioning of the upper teeth or the size of the upper jaw, which is likely down to genetics. It can also be acquired through habits or additional factors such as an abnormal tongue position or tongue thrusting.
There are numerous consequences of having an overbite such as issues with speech, breathing or chewing, as well as jaw pain and an increased risk of wearing down the teeth.
If the overbite is of skeletal origin, i.e. if it is due to the position of the upper or lower jaw, orthognathic surgery will likely be required. However, if the overbite is of dental origin and the teeth simply need to be repositioned, braces or aligners may be an effective treatment. Braces and aligners can move the teeth into the correct position within the dental arches, while attachments like elastics can exert pressure to correctly align the teeth.
Before orthodontic treatment with braces and aligners, people with an overbite are at risk of further oral health problems, whereas after, patients can take better care of their dental health. Here you can see before and after pictures of a patient who had their overbite corrected with an orthodontic treatment using Impress clear aligners.

Underbite before and after orthodontic treatment with braces or aligners
Like an overbite, an underbite is a dental malocclusion in which the lower jaw protrudes over the upper jaw, partially covering the upper teeth.
Underbites are primarily due to genetics and can cause similar issues as overbites, such as difficulties with eating, breathing and speaking, as well as jaw pain. They can also influence the face shape of the person affected and can therefore impact their self-esteem.
In childhood, before the teeth are fully developed, it is possible to fix an underbite with braces and aligners, whereas in adulthood, after the teeth are developed, there’s more chance that orthognathic surgery will be required. However, this depends on the severity of the case.
An overjet in teeth before and after braces
Now we’ll explore how an overjet in teeth is transformed before and after orthodontic treatment with braces or invisible aligners.
An overjet refers to when the upper incisors protrude over the lower teeth but at an outward angle.
While overjets can also be genetic, in many cases they are formed due to habits such as nail biting, thumb sucking or tongue thrusting, which, over time, cause the upper teeth to protrude forward.
An overjet can affect a person’s bite, making it uncomfortable when chewing. Like overbites and underbites, the shape of the face can also be affected, which, in turn, can affect the person’s self-esteem.
When it comes to correcting an overjet, braces or aligners apply light pressure to the front of the teeth, eventually pulling them into alignment.
Below you can see the transformation in teeth with an overjet before and after orthodontic treatments like braces or aligners.

Crossbite: before and after orthodontic treatment with braces
Crossbite is a type of dental malocclusion that refers to when the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth. There are two main types; anterior crossbites, which is when one or more of the upper incisors sit behind the lower teeth, and posterior crossbites, which is when the upper molars sit inside of the bottom teeth.
Like other malocclusions, crossbites can come from acquired habits or genetics.
This type of misalignment in the teeth can cause difficulties with speech and chewing or can lead to bruxism and pain in the jaw. As well as this, the lack of uniformity when pressure is exerted on the teeth can cause the enamel to wear down.
Depending on the severity of the case, orthodontics or surgery can be used to treat crossbites. With orthodontics, braces or aligners are used to position the teeth correctly. Palatal expanders may also be used in the case that the upper jaw is too small.
Below you can see pictures with an example of how a crossbite can look before and after orthodontic treatment with braces or clear aligners.

Having braces with missing teeth: before and after
Next, we’ll explore how people with missing teeth can transform their teeth before and after orthodontic treatment with braces or clear aligners.
Dental agenesis, otherwise called congenitally missing teeth, refers to a dental anomaly when certain teeth do not form and are therefore missing.
Dental agenesis not only leads to aesthetic concerns but can also cause problems with speaking and chewing, and can increase the risk of other orthodontic issues.
In some cases of dental agenesis, it may be possible to simply close the gap created by a missing tooth, especially if the patient has overcrowding in the rest of their teeth. Otherwise, braces or aligners can be used to move the remaining teeth into an optimal position to create sufficient space for any future tooth replacements that may be needed.
Before and after pictures of orthodontic treatment with Impress clear aligners
All of the before and after pictures you see in this article are real cases which have been treated with Impress clear aligners. Our treatments can fix a wide variety of misalignment cases and can help you get exceptional results without having to resort to fixed orthodontic methods that can be more costly, slower and less discreet.

As you can see from the before and after pictures above, if you have a teeth alignment issue, whether it’s simple or complex, we at Impress can help you with our orthodontic treatment using clear aligners. Clear aligners are discreet, removable and hygienic, and allow you to live life without the sacrifices you’d have to make with traditional braces.
So if you’re interested in a clear aligner treatment with Impress, or you want to know more, get in touch with our expert team at your nearest Impress clinic. You can book a free consultation online, through WhatsApp, or by calling us on +44 20 3808 1072.