Before and after orthodontic treatments like braces and clear aligners

13 June · 6 minutes

Orthodontic treatments, such as braces or aligners, can positively impact both the function and appearance of teeth, boosting patients' confidence and self-esteem. This article explores how various dental misalignments and malocclusions (including gapped or crowded teeth, overbites, underbites, and overjet) can transform before and after orthodontic treatment with braces or clear aligners.

How gaps in your teeth transform before and after aligners or braces

In this section, we’ll outline the impact of braces or aligners on diastemas (gaps in the teeth) and how the functionality and appearance of the teeth can change before and after orthodontic treatment. Diastemas refer to spaces between teeth where there is no contact. They can be caused by genetic factors or acquired habits. If left untreated, diastemas could lead to additional dental health issues, such as jaw imbalances and uneven force on the teeth, resulting in enamel wear, gum problems, or other malocclusions.

To correct a diastema, light force is applied to the teeth to gradually move them into contact until they align side by side. In the image below, you can see how a gap in the teeth looks before and after orthodontic treatment with clear aligners.

Before and after orthodontic treatment to close gaps in the teeth.

How crowded teeth look before and after braces or aligners

Next, we’ll take a look at how crowded teeth can transform before and after orthodontics using clear aligners or braces.

Dental crowding is a malposition where teeth overlap due to insufficient space in the mouth. Crowding can vary from mild to severe. This can occur for several reasons, such as a small jaw, teeth being larger than the jaw, or missing teeth that cause the remaining teeth to shift.

Overcrowding is not only an aesthetic concern but also a health issue. If left untreated, it can lead to problems like tooth decay, gum disease, difficulty in cleaning, plaque and tartar buildup, gingivitis, periodontitis, bone and tooth loss, and speech difficulties. Therefore, orthodontic treatment is recommended to properly align teeth. Braces or aligners apply gentle pressure to move teeth into the correct position.

The difference between crowded teeth before and after braces or clear aligners can be dramatic and can lead to significant improvements in oral health. The pictures below illustrate a case of crowded teeth before and after orthodontic treatment.

Crowded teeth before and after an orthodontic treatment.

Open bites before and after braces or clear aligners

An open bite is a type of malocclusion where the upper and lower teeth don’t touch when the mouth is closed, resulting in a visible gap. There are two types of open bite: an anterior open bite and a posterior open bite. Anterior open bites occur in the front of the mouth while posterior open bites occur in the back of the mouth. This type of malocclusion can cause difficulties with chewing, speaking, and breathing, as well as jaw pain. Additionally, individuals with an open bite may feel self-conscious about their appearance.

Open bites can be caused by genetics, developmental issues, or habits such as tongue thrusting, mouth breathing, prolonged use of a pacifier, or thumb sucking.

In severe cases, surgery might be recommended, but most open bites can be corrected with orthodontic treatment. Braces and aligners apply pressure to move the teeth into the correct position, effectively fixing the bite and leading to significant improvements in both appearance and oral health.

Below you can see side-by-side pictures of how an open bite can look before and after orthodontic treatment with braces or clear aligners.

An open bite before and after orthodontics.

Overbites before and after orthodontic treatment with aligners or braces

An overbite, also known as a vertical overbite or deep bite, occurs when the upper teeth cover the lower teeth completely or more than normal. In a normal bite, the upper teeth should cover about a third of the lower teeth.

An overbite can be caused by the size of the upper jaw or the positioning of the upper teeth, which is usually influenced by genetics. It can also be acquired through habits such as abnormal tongue position or tongue thrusting.

Having an overbite can lead to various problems including breathing or chewing difficulties, speech issues, jaw pain, and an increased risk of wearing down tooth enamel.

If the overbite is skeletal, i.e. it is caused by the positioning of the upper or lower jaw, orthognathic surgery might be necessary. However, if the overbite is dental, meaning it originates in the teeth rather than the jaw, braces or aligners can be an effective treatment. These orthodontic treatments can reposition the teeth within the dental arches, while attachments like elastics can help properly align the teeth.

Before orthodontic treatment with braces or aligners, individuals with an overbite are at risk for further oral health problems, while after treatment, patients can maintain better dental health. Below are before and after pictures of a patient who corrected their overbite using Impress clear aligners.

An overbite before and after orthodontic treatment with clear aligners.

Underbites before and after clear aligners or braces

An underbite is a dental malocclusion where the lower jaw protrudes over the upper jaw, covering part of the upper teeth.

Underbites are usually caused by genetics and can lead to issues similar to those caused by overbites, such as difficulties with speaking, breathing, and eating, as well as jaw pain. They can also affect the shape of the face which can therefore affect the patient’s confidence in their appearance.

In childhood, before the teeth have fully developed, an underbite can often be corrected with braces and clear aligners, while in adulthood, after the teeth have developed, orthognathic surgery may be necessary. However, this can depend on the severity of the specific case.

How an overjet changes before and after braces or aligners

Now we’ll examine how an overjet is corrected before and after orthodontic treatment using clear aligners or braces.

An overjet occurs when the upper incisors protrude over the lower teeth at an outward angle.

Overjets can be genetic, but they often result from habits such as thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, or nail biting, which cause the upper teeth to push forward over time.

An overjet can impact a person’s bite, making chewing uncomfortable. Similar to overbites and underbites, an overjet can also alter the shape of the face, impacting self-esteem.

To correct an overjet, braces or aligners apply gentle pressure to the front teeth, gradually moving them into alignment.

Below you can see pictures of how teeth with an overjet look before and after orthodontic treatments like braces or clear aligners.

Pictures showing an overjet before and after orthodontic treatment with clear aligners.

Alignment of teeth with a crossbite before and after braces or aligners

A crossbite is a type of dental malocclusion where the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth. There are two main types of crossbites: anterior crossbites, where one or more of the upper incisors sit behind the lower teeth, and posterior crossbites, where the upper molars sit inside the lower teeth.

Crossbites can be caused by genetics or acquired habits. This misalignment can lead to speech and chewing difficulties, bruxism, jaw pain, and uneven enamel wear due to inconsistent pressure on the teeth.

Treatment for crossbites depends on the severity of the case and may involve orthodontics or surgery. Orthodontic treatments use braces or aligners to reposition the teeth, and palatal expanders may be used if the upper jaw is too small.

Below are before and after pictures showing an example of how a crossbite and the alignment of the teeth can be corrected with orthodontic treatment like braces or clear aligners.

Pictures of a crossbite before and after orthodontic treatment.

Braces or aligners with missing teeth: before and after treatment

Next, we’ll discuss how individuals with missing teeth can transform their dental health before and after orthodontic treatment with braces or clear aligners. Dental agenesis, also known as congenitally missing teeth, is a condition where certain teeth fail to develop and are missing.

This condition not only presents aesthetic challenges but also affects speaking and chewing, and can lead to other orthodontic complications.

In certain cases of dental agenesis, it might be possible to close the gap caused by the missing tooth, particularly if there is crowding among the remaining teeth. In other cases, braces or aligners can be used to reposition the remaining teeth, creating adequate space for any future tooth replacements that might be necessary.

Pictures before and after orthodontic treatment with Impress clear aligners

All of the before and after pictures shown below are real cases of teeth misalignment treated using clear aligners from Impress. Impress treatments can correct a wide range of misalignment issues, delivering exceptional results without the need to use fixed orthodontic methods which can be slower, more expensive, and less discreet than clear aligners.

Pictures of a young woman before and after her orthodontic treatment with clear aligners.

As highlighted in the before and after pictures above, whether you have a simple or complex teeth alignment issue, Impress orthodontic treatment with clear aligners can help you. These aligners are transparent, hygienic, discreet, and removable, allowing you to live your life without making the sacrifices you’d need to make with metal braces.

So, if you’re thinking about getting a clear aligner treatment with Impress, or if you want to learn more about Impress treatments, you can visit us at an Impress clinic near you. Meet our expert team by scheduling a complimentary consultation online or by phone at 888.490.1421.

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